Marit de la Vera Photography

Neka vaša ljubav zasja na fotografijama!


Who am I? Meet the photographer, Marit


I'm Marit! A love and wedding photographer, I passionately capture love stories through the play of shadow and light.

Every couple I work with makes me

I am honored to be able to capture the most special and precious moments of your life and the memories that last forever.


Let me tell you a little more about myself: I am originally from the Netherlands. I am an artistic soul, creative and always have a positive attitude towards life. I live and breathe photography, I have an eye for detail. I specialize in photo editing and am a perfectionist when it comes to the smallest details that make a photo unique. My work is often described as magical and with extra attention to detail.

For me, only the best is good enough, for you, the best photos you could wish for.


Marit recently moved with her family from the Netherlands to Croatia, where they will live in the wider Karlovac area.

He speaks English, Dutch and German, and is learning Croatian.

A positive person, a perfectionist and an artist, Marit is not just a photographer, she will be a part of your special day and the perfect moment.


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Potvrđujem da su ovdje dostavljeni podaci istiniti i točni. Potvrđujem da ne radim za ovog pružatelja usluga, nisam konkurencija niti sam s njim povezan. Nastavkom, slažem se s Uvjetima korištenja.

Ulica Ivana Gorana Kovacica Karlovac, 47000 Karlovac - Okolica
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Svaki dan od 8:00-20:00


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